The REAL challenge in drawing challenges

Who doesn’t wish they could draw just a little bit better? They say practice makes perfect; so, drawing challenges are the perfect opportunity to practice. But how do you find motivation halfway through when you run out of ideas? Halfway through is when I typically run out of steam because all my ideas are gone; and I need to stretch my brain. That is when it really becomes a challenge.

Currently, they are 10 more days left in Mermay 2019. This time, I am determined to not only to finish the challenge; but also to challenge myself. So around May 19th, I created a strategy that would help me be successful.

1. Don’t panic–remember to have fun. Stressful thoughts and anxiety are the first way to get your head out of the game. I had to remind myself that I’m doing this because I want to, not because I have to.

2. Remember WHY you started. If you had the courage to start the challenge, think about why you started. When things get tough, it’s easy to think about why not to continue. So I literally had to give myself a pep talk and think about all the reasons I should press on.

3. Remove mental limitations. What kind of limits or restrictions have you placed on yourself? Sometimes we’re not even aware of the handcuffs we’ve mentally placed on ourselves. Personally, I needed to give myself permission to stop being a perfectionist and comparing myself to professionals.

4. I don’t know if we can recycle; but we can definitely reduce and reuse. We can reduce stress by reusing some of our ideas and improving upon them.

In the end, we all know what it takes to get better.

We have to challenge ourselves.
We have to push ourselves.
We have to press on and put in the work.

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